5 Benefits to Free Range & Farm Loved Chickens

1. They have the freedom to roam rather than being cooped up in cages or overcrowded in huge sheds. They have a fenced off area outside where they can forage for grass, herbs and bugs under real sunlight. This results in a higher source of vitamins and minerals. They have more access to vitamin B, D, A potassium and sodium. Due to their increased activity and exposure to sunlight it helps the chickens to synthesize more vitamins and minerals essential for overall health.

2. They're treated with a level of respect and care while being provided with fresh air and sunlight. These are luxuries that many animals don’t have before they’re commercially processed and sold in stores. Our free range chickens also have a chicken house where they come for shelter and additional feed. The chicken house is cleaned between each batch of chickens and stays cleaner the more the chickens are outside.

3. Free range chickens are healthier than commercially raised chickens due to their diet and over lifestyle. Store bought chickens often have higher cholesterol levels and unbalanced hormones. Free range chickens have higher protein levels - a hearty serving of chicken breast from one of our chickens can supply 50% of your body's daily protein needs as they're larger and have more muscle mass vs those raised in confinement.

4. The meat is tastier! Farm loved chickens have lower cortisol levels from their happier lifestyle as well as juicer meat from increased muscle mass. They’re also leaner from increased activity.

5. They're raised in smaller groups resulting in less disease and death. They also have a short transport from our farm to the processor.

Reserve your Whole Chicken 65lb

Reserve your Whole Chicken $6.5/lb $10.00

These guys have full access to sunshine, bugs, and grass. They’re also fed a conventional chicken diet while they’re kept safe each night in our cozy chicken coop.


Your $10 acts as a deposit to reserve your free range chicken.